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Yew Point at Hodson Bay Hotel - Forest Bathing path development

In late February 2023, I had the chance to present a lecture on "Forest Bathing as a preventive medicine practice" at TUS Athlone, which was organised by Nicola Ryan, a lecturer in the Department of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure. The Hodson Bay Hotel representatives were among the lecture participants and were interested in the idea of developing the forest bathing path in the astonishing Yew Point. 

"This magnificent 140 acres peninsula of unspoiled meadowland and native woodlands is adjacent to the Hotel which is surrounded by the lake. The land has been untouched for centuries and the utmost care has been taken during the development of the trails to ensure all the ancient woodlands and thriving local wildlife are undisturbed."

Working in such a way as not to disturb nature was the greatest goal for me in this process. The design of forest bathing pathways in such a unique space is challenging, however, the skills gained as Botanist, Scientific Consultant and Forest Bathing Guide, allowed me to find the balance between the development of the site for guests of the hotel and the Nature's needs for quiet and peaceful space to flourish. 

Stage 2

Delivery of the workplan

I delivered a detailed work plan to the team working on the site, with an indication of the best spots to deliver the forest bathing experience. 

March-April 2023

Map of Yew Point from Google Maps

Screenshot 2023-04-04 at 16.54.00.png

Stage 3

Forest Bathing Experience at Yew Point

The forest bathing path was tested during the first forest bathing experience in Yew Point in  May 2023. A team of 12 people from the Hodson Bay Hotel, took part in the session, during which I was able to pinpoint the improvement plan and initially evaluate the trial for risks and consider environmental impact of the site.


Stage 1

Site assessment

To make sure, that precious nature is preserved and the native species of animals and plants have the space to flourish and develop, I assessed the site for possible environmental risks. Accompanied by the Hotel's team, I was able to get a glimpse of the untouched space of the area.  March 2023

Stage 4

Final evaluation

The final evaluation of the forest bathing trail was accomplished in May 2023, by giving the Hotel's management team  directions for improvement and points for consideration.

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